Spring Day Goes By

we can draw inspiration from the song's message of resilience and hope

Laughing together as flowers bloom, cried together as they fade

At such sweet sounding pledge, the spring day pass.

The age of 19 years makes one sad as sun sets down

Pounding her chest, even today

On the crossroad under the floating clouds

Laughing together as birds fly, cried together as they cry

At such ironic song, the spring day passes.

A green grass blade upon the stream was floating by

Casting my flower letter, even today

On the road for stagecoach, pulled ny rippling young mule

Laughing toether as stars rise, cried together as they fade

At such vain promise, the sping days passes.

“Spring Day Goes By” is a lyrically poignant song that was originally composed to console the emotional scars left by the Korean War. Even today, it continues to be cherished by many Koreans who interpret its message in a modern context.

As we face the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, we can draw inspiration from the song’s message of resilience and hope. Let us all have the courage to live our lives with renewed vigor and vitality, despite the scars that may linger. Let us unite and go ahead to future on together

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