Without Being Defeated by the Wind

Without Being Defeated by the Wind The winds may blow The rain may fall The snow may freeze, and the sun may scorch

Without Being Defeated by the Wind

The winds may blow

The rain may fall

The snow may freeze, and the sun may scorch

Yet with a healthy body Free from all desire

With a steadfast heart

And a gentle smile

Every day I eat Four cups of brown rice, some miso, and a few vegetables

I never compare myself to others

But listen and learn from them

I never forget to be grateful

For the pine trees, the forests, the bamboo groves

And the small thatched hut

Where I live If a child in the east is sick I will go and nurse him

If an old mother in the west is hungry I will go and share my rice with her

If a man in the south dies I will go and help bury him

If a traveler in the north is lost I will go and show him the way

When people ask me why I do this I just smile and say

“I am but a traveler on this earth

And I wish to leave it a little better than I found it.” – Miyazawa Kenji-

I do not believe in the comforting words given at a funeral home.

Comfort is just comfort, and the reality that the deceased person is gone does not change easily.

Those left behind need more realistic help than the heartfelt comfort given at the funeral.

I feel both sympathy and fear for those who call themselves fools.

They live like fools and often do foolish things because they call themselves fools.

I think it is more comfortable to be someone who knows how to take care of themselves reasonably, rather than someone who can live without rules.

Because things that are too good and too foolish always end up causing trouble for others.

Miyazawa Kenji knew this, and he wanted to be someone who didn’t cause either praise or suffering to anyone, even if he was called a fool by everyone.

Someone called me a fool.

They said that even though I gave my heart and soul to everything, I still couldn’t achieve anything.

It is really difficult to become a fool who does not receive praise or cause suffering.

Of course, I know too well that I am far from being the person who deserves such praise.

However, I still have the hope of living as a human being who knows shame and continues to strive to become that kind of person.