Our Service

Our purpose is to present your exceptional products and services to reputable Korean EPC companies  and large shipbuilding companies, as well as developers such as  Kepco, etc,.

Our aim is to ensure your company’s participation in the bidding process and its eventual success. 

We are committed to continuous collaboration, from bidding on products or services requested by Your Company and/or Korean companies to the flawless execution of the project.

1. Project

A. To make a survey EPC and/or Other Projects among Korean Companies that you are able to  provide Product/Service.

B. To introduce your company’s services/products to clients in detail.

C. To make the periodical Meeting with the Project Managers of each company in order to acquire information and check the Project status and, after that, Report to you Weekly and/or Monthly.

2. Project

A. To make strengthen Human Networking through the periodic meeting with The Project Manager, Engineers in charge, Manager in charge of purchasing of each Korean Company.

b. Receipt and delivery of RFQ regarding the applicable project including Tender’s ITB and Item’s indicative budget before the issuance  of the purchase order through Engineer Networks.

C. To report you regarding the client’s  Project status

D. To deliver other information requested by headquarter

3. Project

A. Official Issuance of RFQ by the Client Purchase Department to your company regarding the applicable Item.

B. the Agent inform the more close budget to you through Human Network.

C. The Agent Collaboration between the Client side and the Headquater during the Period of the client’s  TBE (Technical Bid Evaluation )  and CBE (Commercial Bid Evaluation)  as per your company and/or   the Client.

D. After the Nomination as a preferred negotiator,  arrange  all the conveniences for your visiting Korea, such as accommodation for the final Contract meeting,  as per the client’s company regulation such as its compliance, and/or if necessary.

4. Project

A. After the Contract signed,  arrange  all the conveniences  for the Headquater’s staffs’ visiting Korea, such as accommodation for Kick-Off meeting as per the Client request. 

B. Collaboration between the Headquarter and the client during Engineering stage, Procurement stage, Construction & Commissioning stage as per the request by the Headquarter.

C. To arrange trainer dispatch schedule.

D. Other Collaboration  during the warrant period if necessary.

Targeting Clients